The USCM or the United States Colonial Marines went into battle against the Aliens in the movie Aliens. USCM where some bad ass marines who kicked some alien ass and died while doing it. General Hicks was the last one to die.
They where packed with the state of the art M41-a Pulse Rifle/Grenade Launcher, Smart guns and Flame Throwers. These weapons are extremely powerful, and are perfect for use against the Aliens.
Aliens, acid for blood.
Things called
The Movie
LV-426, the colony where the Aliens decided to have a party, they killed every one in the colony except a little girl name Rebecca, or as they call her, Newt.
LV-426 was also where the first encounter between Ripley and the Aliens where. In the movie Alien. The Sulaco (Transporter Ship from Aliens) brought the Marines and Ripley to the planet. The Nostromo (Cargo ship from Alien) was destroyed by Ripley in the first movie, she set it on self destruct which blew it up, but the Alien was actually in her resting probe, and she kicked it out of the Air Lock.